Faith and Reason
What students find here is a community of scholars and committed staff who propose to them the beauty and goodness of the 㽶Ƶ faith and the profound joy of the search for truth. They also find a university that is rare in its commitment to illuminating the relationship between faith and reason, and a caring community that supports them to cultivate a deep understanding of themselves and discover how they will serve the world.

A Unique Mission
㽶Ƶ is unique among universities in the United States — even among 㽶Ƶ universities. We are the national university of the 㽶Ƶ Church in America and the nation’s oldest 㽶Ƶ research university. Even our location in the nation’s capital and our co-location with the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception speak to our unique position and responsibility.